Our Products

  • Our sourcing criteria and standards are second to none. We want only the best quality for our family and our customers. We eat what we sell. We go through a very strict process in finding farmers to work with and ensure that their practices align with our values.
  • When we say our products are 100% local we mean everything we offer is from a small farm in southern Ontario.
  • When we say our animals pasture raised or free range on small farms, we mean that. There are no shortcuts. It’s the reason why any one product might be sourced from over a dozen farmers. For example, our chickens come from multiple farms because each individual farmer only has so much capacity and we will not compromise by sourcing from a larger farm that won’t meet our standards.
  • We’ll continue to find new farmers who offer new and exciting products. For example, we currently carry multiple breeds of chicken. Some of which aren’t commonly found in grocery stores. Different breeds can be prepared differently and have very unique tastes. We’re also excited to offer meats that aren’t commonly found in Ontario like our wild boar and goose (one of our favorites).
  • Chemicals are never introduced any point. There are no antibiotics or hormones fed to the animals. There are no pesticides used to grow produce. There are no chemicals used during processing like nitrates or sulphites.
  • The priorities of the farmers we work with are different than those who produce what you find in most grocery store shelves. Many products that arrive from far away are modified or treated to withstand the long travel or to last longer on a shelf. That’s never the case with our products. Our products are raised and grown slowly, the right way and it’s definitely worth the effort.
  • Our products are always competitively priced. We want to make sure great food is never exclusive or unattainable. We’re committed to fair wages for our producers and fair prices for our customers.
  • We always encourage you to reach out to us with any questions you have about breeds, farming practices, cooking techniques or anything else.